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Mother’s Day The Giving Way

She helped you learn to ride a bike, made you countless meals and instilled values into your life that you’ve not soon forgotten. Where would we be without our mothers, or the mother figures in our lives? Every year, Mother’s Day is a way to honor that special lady in our lives. While you should continue with your normal celebrations, there are some simple ways to spice up the yearly tradition by adding a dose of good to the mix.

Get a Gift that Gives Back
Sure, you could get your mom those same flowers you get her every year, or that gift card to her favorite restaurant. But you could do something completely different instead. Mix it up this year. Give a gift that gives back instead. Not only will you be honoring your mom, but you’ll also be doing good for others.

If you normally give her flowers, give back by planting a tree or new flowers in your community park. The scenery could be given in honor or memory of your mom, but will help serve the community for years to come. Plus, the community will think of your mom every time they see the new park addition.

Or, buy a gift from a business that donates the proceeds to a good cause. There are many businesses that will donate one of what you’re buying to somebody who needs it. A pair of shoes, new glasses or clothing are all great options and can be purchased from a do-good business. Or, select an organization near to your heart—or your mom’s heart—and make a donation in her name.

Spend Time Doing Good Together
While you should still spend time with your mother or family on Mother’s Day, you can maximize your “do-good” time by doing good together. Take time and volunteer doing something that you love. If you’re both passionate about animals, volunteer your time at an animal shelter. If your community is at the top of your list, take time fixing up a community eyesore, or making improvements to the place you live. It’s a double win since you get to spend time together and do great things for the world.

Be a Stand-In Mom (or Dad) for a Day
Even if you have a loving family and a terrific mother, there are many more out there who no longer have a mother to share the day with. If you know somebody in your life whose mother has passed on, invite him or her to celebrate the day with you.

You may not be old enough to be a mother or parent figure, but that’s all right. Simply find somebody who needs companionship on Mother’s Day. Then just strike up a conversation with a stranger about their mom. You’d be surprised at the stories and memories that come pouring out. Or, simply be a listening ear for a stranger about any topic on Mother’s Day. Because sometimes, all they need is an ear to listen and it can do a world of good.