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Family Time

What is Family Time?

  • We offer families a unique environment where they can come together in a highly structured way that promotes joy, happiness, family bonding, and psychological safety for everyone involved. 

Three Levels of Supervision:

  • Supervised: Focus is on the protection and safety of the child and parent and includes trauma informed care and impact to all developmental domains.
  • Parent Coaching: The Family Time Worker is actively involved in promoting behavioral change in parent/child relationships. Visitation coaching is directed, educational and includes trauma informed care and impact to all developmental domains.
  • Therapeutic: The Family Time Worker is the same as a family therapist and uses therapeutic modalities to address parent/child interactions, including trauma informed care and impact to all developmental domains.

What we offer!

  • Family time in a large house
  • Five fully furnished family time rooms 
  • Toys, games, puzzles, and activities in every room
  • Fully stocked kitchen for parents to cook for their children
  • Large backyard with toys and a swing set
  • Baby supplies- high chairs, booster seats, play pens, changing tables
  • Transportation provided
  • Flexible hours to meet families everchanging schedules 

Teresa Chavez, Foster Care Director P:303-696-1154
Hayley Vannatter, Associate Director P:303-696-1154